Stretching from the Atlantic to the picturesque folds of the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina permits wide-ranging legal knife ownership and open carry rights, while… Continue Reading
Knife Laws
Knife Laws in New York
The state of New York places numerous limitations on knife ownership and knife rights within its jurisdiction. These rules are applied most stringently in New… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in New Mexico
New Mexico’s knife laws are fairly restrictive except in the matter of open carry, harking back to the days when switchblades and brass knuckles caused… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in New Hampshire
The Granite State’s motto of “Live Free or Die” found partial expression in a sweeping expansion of knife rights in 2010. Following massive bipartisan support… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Nevada
Nevada posted a freshly minted expansion to knife rights on July 1st, 2015, expanding the right to buy, sell, manufacture, transfer, and possess several kinds… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Nebraska
A state firmly in the middle of the pack when it comes to the balance between knife rights and knife restrictions, Nebraska allows nearly unlimited… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Montana
Though Montana’s knife laws are mostly clear-cut and follow the pattern of other “middle of the road” states as far as knife rights are concerned,… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Missouri
The Show-Me State’s knife laws are direct and easy to understand, though not fully knife-friendly. Knife ownership is very broadly permitted, with the exception of… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Mississippi
Mississippi is a mostly free and open state from the viewpoint of a knife owner, though its concealed carry laws place some limits on hiding… Continue Reading
Knife Laws in Minnesota
The cool, green northern state of Minnesota, sometimes dubbed the “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes,” is a popular destination for hunters and fishermen, most of… Continue Reading